Chrome is Active On 2 Billion Devices ( Mobiles and Desktops)

Google Chrome, world’s’ most used web browser resides on more than 2 Billion devices across the globe. The number above includes its presence on both Mobiles and Desktop.
Chrome 54 for android

Google Chrome VP, Rahul Roy-Chowdhury, said in a tweet that currently Google Chrome is active on 2 Billion Devices. The definition of “Active” is not defined by Google, about what time period this remains constant and what it constitutes.
Well, rather having nothing on Chrome Usage Stats, now we have one mark of 2 Billion.

Additionally, Chrome’s recent updates have made ti more bulkier due to introduction of different modules like manager, offline pages, data savers, gamepad support, Bluetooth API, Android Pay. We hope in coming days these features will evolve and ultimately it will consume less RAM.

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