Instagram to get the Live Video feature very soon

Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom confirms the Live Video Feature in an interview with the Financial Times. Earlier there are leaks which suggest that instagram is testing live video support.
Live is really exciting for us, If I’m trying to strengthen relationships with someone I love, them streaming video to me live would be an amazing way to be closer to them.” – said by Kevin Systrom
This year in August Instagram has introduced the Stories which are included to compete with snapchat. Stories are the way to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours with their followers. Now coming back to Live video feature, it will be the second big feature which will be added since the launch of Instagram.
Currently there are a few social networks, which had a live streaming feature i.e. Facebook and YouTube. Although we are very excited for this feature, but there is not any information about when this feature will be live for Normal users.
SOURCE The Financial Times

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